Harvest Party – Nov. 2, 2008
Sunday afternoon, Nov. 2, join us for some Harvest Party fun at the Birkys’ house (142 N 500 W) from 4:00 pm until whenever you decide to leave. Â We’ll have hayrides, a big bonfire, hot dogs and marshmallows for roasting, and whatever other food you decide to bring! Â So please bring a chair or blanket and some food to share.
To get to the Birkys’ house, go west on Hwy 30 from Valparaiso, turn left/south at the light at 500 W, and about a mile later, after a curve or two, their house will be on your right.
ShareFest work day
Saturday, October 11, 2008
8:00 am – Registration & dedication service
9:00 am – Work projects begin
Full details at www.sharefestpc.org/valparaiso.
This year, we’re remodeling the teacher’s lounge at Parkview Elementary School. We’re installing cabinets, painting the walls, and assembling some furniture. The direct link to register for this project is here.
You can also donate blood or work in lots of other projects. It’s a fantastic chance to show the love of God to our neighbors here in Valparaiso!